Friday, May 6, 2016


Last month, the TCM physician reviewed my X-ray with me. 

It was hard to look at the negatives of my own bones. So..... icky. I had to look at the X-rays from sideways, I can't even look straight at it. Eew.... my bones. She also showed me the tiny spike that grew from the left side of one particular vertebra on my lower back. I know that spot, it has the sharpest pain, but still I was shocked to see a spike, like a thorn sprouting from the side of my bone.

Still, that is not the physician's main concern.

The first twelve vertebrae of my spinal cord are so compressed till three or four of the vertebrae under by neck were "deformed", they were concaved at the sides. Healthy, normal vertebra do not have such pronounced concavity. She showed me the rest of my bones which are normal. I dare not ask the physician if my concaved bones would ever grow back into healthy shapes or not. I mean, if I drink more Anlene will my bones grow? I was afraid she might say that they will not go back to original shape. So I ran away from finding out and didn't ask. 

She says I will definitely need to treat my body, or else!

Today, it was a very painful session.
Oh the knobs in my calves!  Especially the left calf.

As for my arms, the right arm had an old, old injury  (I went down a water slide and hit my thumb against the edges of the pool), that was... 2005. I was with my cousin ZhiTing at Safra swimming pool. Telok Blangah. I remember how I got every of my injury. Every. They are imprinted in my head. Can I write the memory down on paper and burn it away?

 Left Arm - not much bruise

Right Arm - swollen!  One line leading to the thumb.

On Sunday, while travelling on the bus back home from swim lesson, I was surprised to see a huge patch of blue-black at the back of my calf. There must have been a aged blood clot, dispersed now.

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