Monday, May 23, 2016

Sunday Morning

So two weeks back Pam texted if I would join her & her friends to go Botanical Gardens. I was thinking that I've got to stop saying 'no' to invitations, especially to the barely few friends who never give up on me. I did wonder if it might be one of those church activities but I thought - never mind lah, just go with an open mind. Turns out it's an informal outing organised by her Amway friends. 

So, there are six Game Stations that we are to complete in two hours. Along the way, we are to do Photo Hunts. Some floral, some insects, some animals, etc. Eg: Bamboo.

 "water bomb" game station.
there are some "mines" "planted" under the card boards, each team member is to take one step at a time, upwards. If we stepped onto a "mine", "water bombs" would be thrown at us. Then the next team member will have to start from first row, moving upwards, avoiding the spaces with 'mines'.

Then there was this very simple game but it was the toughest for me.
The Game Master led me to the spot where I was to wait for my team member to arrive. But I had to walk with him with my eyes blind folded. I realized that it is very hard for me to trust people. Perhaps it's because I do not know him. Ya. It is very hard for me to trust people I do not know. It is not fair of me to expect people to have absolute trust and faith in me while I could hardly give them the same.

 photo hunt

Pam made peanut-butter sandwiches for the whole group (about 35 pax) while Pam's friend made extra sandwiches for us. She got up at 6am to cook the meats & eggs.

 A giant Poodle.

 The grand finale Telematch games-- blow six balloons, spin five rounds with heads down, arm cross touching ground, run with ping pong ball on spoon held with your mouth, put your face into a basin filled with water-- use a toothpick to pick up a tiny grape submerged in water, eat the grape. Without using your hands, eat a single M&M from a plate covered in flour, burst the balloon that you had inflated earlier, run back to your team for the next member to take the relay.  Our team was the winner at the grand finale telematch. I think that's because we strategised to have two best members to go first, Kiki as the third, two others in between, then the last member to finish strong. But with all the points from all other games compiled, our team came in second (among total of five groups). No prize lah, only the winning team has prizes. But it was fun.

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