Thursday, May 5, 2016

Midweek May

So in a couple of weeks, Colin will be watching Roald Dahl's - "The Witches" at the theatrette with his classmates.

If you examine closely, you might see that part of the cat's face chipped and is being held together with a small piece of scotch tape. Kiki recapped to me that that time, she had accidentally dropped her cat piggy bank onto the floor and I screamed at her.... I asked what I screamed about? cos I don't remember. She said it screamed-- "Look at what you've done! It's BROKEN! IT WILL NEVER BE FIXED!" and while she struggled between sobs and plastering the chipped piece onto Cat's face, I screamed further- "Forget it! It will never be fixed! It's over!"
Gosh. That sounded like me with a meltdown. It sounded like me describing a failed relationship, or my failed relationship. 

Last night, she just wanted to tell me that not only is her Cat fixed, it looked as is, and it is flourishing with many coins in its tummy. (she is saving up to buy a clay slab with some fossils underneath. an archaeologist toy set she saw but she doesn't know how much it costs). I told her it probably costs $40 so she has a long way to save up. She has recently lost an incisor (tooth), my sis calls it the Dracula tooth. So she has $5 from Tooth Fairy this time. Still, it's a long way to $40 but I'm not sure if the toy set really cost $40 or less.

There is no way to get 5 upon 5 for this section of a test. There isn't enough Dots to match the words!
This is a printing layout error. I thought test papers are recycled (meaning not every time a new set). If they are recycled, someone must have spotted this before. No?

For "看见” - she drew her own dots and line because the 写字 dots were already taken. But still no marks for that. For 写字, it was plain confusion because there wasn't enough dots to go around and there was already too many lines all over.

I've put a note for the teacher. No expecting a respond lah....... they normally don't have the time to respond to anything. They might just tell me that well, this is a mock test, not the real thing. That's my monologue ya.

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