Wednesday, June 10, 2015

NDP 2015

 This year, we successfully balloted for the NDP tickets and I chose to ballot for the Preview (1st August) because firstly, I think the actual date would be over-subscribed, and secondly, there will be an additional public holiday on 7th August as declared. That means there would be a block of four days (7th to 10th August) where everyone could have a longer break. So maybe I can go Batam. Haha. No lah, kidding. But why not huh? So anyway, we've got two tickets and I will bring Kiki there. I hope in the next couple of years, if we could win the ballot again, I would want to bring Colin then. Fingers crossed.

 Our allocated location is at the Padang. 

 So anyway, I was just loitering around the arcade at Marina Square where I had collected my tickets. One young chap gave me a postcard and recommended that I explore the booths, so I entertained him.
Look at that POSB uniform! Gosh, that's so retro. And what's with that hat? LOL.

 Matar wears bermuda

What you'd have to to is go around the exhibits, check-out what they have, participate a little to collect an ink stamp, and receive a lucky draw entry form and a goodie bag. 

So after that "Beginnings" booth with a showcase of Uniforms, I went to the "Progress" booth where you sketch or scribble something along the theme of "Progress".

 At the "Identity" booth, we are to copy the words (in four languages). The Indian boy at that booth showed me a sample that was stuck on the table. I noticed that the strokes for 实 is incorrect. The last stroke is a long dot 长点, not a "Na" 捺, so I corrected it in case other people copied the wrong stroke. -_-"

 other stations

 Funpack at the Parade 

 Funpack for every household

 After all the stations, I collected the goodie bag consisting some stickers, car decal,
 and one EZ Link card (no stored value, in case you're wondering). 
Anyway, the EZ link card is out-of-stock now. 

 @ BK

 My decade old badminton rackets still have their tags on, but the grip tapes disintegrated. 
We replaced them with new tapes and I tasked Maricar to play badminton with me. 
Not bad lah, loose all the water in the body, that's almost 500g shaved from my overall weight. 
I hope to maintain the 2 kgs that had shed and I aim to shed 500g a week. 
It will get tougher but I hope I can persist. Fingers crossed. 

1 comment:

  1. Next year get 6 tix, all go or none go. Actually o think AD many going away, so should have high chance
