Tuesday, May 26, 2015


My colleague gave me a briefing for a Batam weekend.
SPA and eat away!
So this June, we're not going Phuket. Cos I didn't put aside the budget for holidays and I don't have enough annual leave (stingy on leave because i'm saving up for December, cos Maricar is going on home-leave). So this June, we're going to Sentosa the first weekend in June, and then my sis and I are going Batam the second weekend. I have not planned for the third weekend. We have 3 weekends without classes, so it's time to chill.

 Hotel booked (doodled on the back page of the hotel confirmation)

SPA inquired:
 1. The Beauties of Nature SPA = SGD 94
 2. Fruity Tropical Affinity SPA = SGD 83
 3. Beautiful Bride = SGD 133
 4. Blissful healing = SDG 102

1. The Beauties of Nature SPA consist of Stressless Body Massage * Choice
Of seasonal Scrub ( Carrot, Aloe Vera, Lemongrass, Candle Nut) * Seasonal
Body Mask wrap with Banana Leaf * Aromatherapy Floral Jacuzzi Bath *
Seasonal Fruit * Classic Manicure & Classic Pedicure.
2. Fruity Tropical Affinity SPA consist of The Natural Soothing Facial *
Stone Massage * Choice Of Seasonal Scrub ( Cucumber, Avocado, Coconut) *
Seasonal Body Mask Wrap with Banana Leaf * Green Tea Soak with jacuzzi *
Seasonal Fruit.
3. Beautiful Bride consist of Whitening and Blissful Facial Treatment *
Face Treatment * Aromatherapy Body Massage * Aroma Ear Candling * Aromatic
Coffee Body Scrub * Aromatic Coffee Body Masque * Aromatherapy Floral
Bath* Classic Manicure & Pedicure * Hair Spa.
4. Blissful healing consist of Collagen/ Cellular Extract Facial Treatment
* Stressless Body Massage * Aroma Ear Candling * Green Tea Body Scrub *
Green Tea Body Masque * Green Tea Soak * Hair Spa
That's about all. Just eat and massage away.


  1. We went Batam in Feb and the driver said Singaporeans go to Batam for SMS- Spa, Makan, Shopping. And indeed the massage was so cheap. Gosh. I miss that. In France, we have 8 weeks of school holidays. I have no idea what to do too. First two weeks at day care. After that, on our own cos no day care available. We are taking a week's leave. That still leave us 5 weeks ....... Sian!
