Thursday, May 14, 2015


I have been dreaming a lot lately.
A lot as in every day.

I read an article about an experiment where a group of people (who meditates), were split into two.
They were then randomly paired. They do not know each other.
Then subject A would think of a picture/image and record it on paper, send it mentally to subject B in the next room preparing to get into REM sleep.

The researchers would wake Subject B up shortly after REM and ask if they had a dream, and record their dream. as in write down about their dream. They found an astounding number of subject B receiving the image that subject A sent.

So me being me, always mention about any thing that I found amusing.

I told Bren that I will send him an image and he should tell me about his dreams the next day.
He laughed until he drooled. I must have cracked him up.

So that didn't work.

The following week (which was last week), I told Kiki about that experiment. And she told me that she will send me a picture to dream about.

I met my cool soul mate ya. Hahahaha.

So I said okay, we should take turns to send each other a picture.

She said we should play this game until I am old.

So far she had sent me a - patch of grass, a dog, an ice cream. (and some other stuff I can't remember)

I had sent her a house, a lizard (I tried to undo but I think I can't), two dogs (she always wanted two dogs). (and some other stuff I can't remember)

So far we have not successfully intercepted each others' pictures.

But I have been dreaming every single night since.

Like I've said, I think we dream every night, it's just that we don't remember them sometimes.

So I think this 'game' had led me to remember the dreams I have toward waking hours 5-6am.

Unfortunately, the recent dreams were stressful dreams. About me being an event organiser and trying to get the delegates onto a day tour and my transport being late and me trying to call my event partner and getting through her mobile but she put me on speaker hold while I could hear her entire conversation with another person but unaware of my urgent attempt reaching her, yelping on the phone for her to answer my call, hoping that my yells would emit some noise no matter how tiny, a sound via her phone to get her attention like in -Honey, I shrunk the kids- kind of scene, a feeble attempt to get her attention.

I don't mind these stressful dreams because I think the sooner they get purged, the better!

So purge away you stressful dreams!


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