Thursday, September 1, 2016

快马加鞭 Hurry, Forgive, Hurry, Forget.

快马加鞭 - Hurry, hurry! I have a lot of work to work on myself.
I want to get rid of all the thorns of my soul so that I can honestly be free.

This is not just ceremonial. This is once and for all let me get it off my chest and say- Fuck Them.

I don't mean the kind of help I had given to those who asked.
And I don't mean the kind of help I had given to those who didn't ask.
Plus, I don't mean the kind of help I had given to those who didn't know I had helped.
Those, I gave wholeheartedly and I don't keep scores.

What I hadn't gotten over were the kind of specific, meaningful, and may I say, life-changing kind of pivotal assistance to two persons who had not expressed any acknowledgement of thanks.

Firstly, if they are not important to me anymore, why then, am I still harping about it?
To myself.
It is jealousy? Is it ego?
Whatever it is, I want to know that I had firstly, honestly helped them with my purest of intentions. Secondly, it worked. So I should conclude that it worked for them and I ought to be happy for them, which I do, I swear. I was only a tad unhappy that they had not had the slightest courtesy to at least say thanks. But I don't want to be unhappy anymore. And I don't want to think that I have any credits to their success, because that would again, be egoistical thinking. I had given them a treasure map and they found gold. It was their efforts, they only didn't thank me for the maps.

So, alrighty then.

Goodbye, people, goodbye ego.

Glad it worked for you. 


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