Friday, April 8, 2016

Grab Me if you can

Grab Me if you can!

Yay, we've finally got going.
So many prerequisites.

  1. check entity name $15 (times two cos we appealed for our business' name)
  2. register sole-proprietorship $100++
  3. print company registration document $14++? can't remember. 
  4. make address stamp & company stamp $31 (need it for LTA & for insurance)
  5. purchase commercial insurance $1388++ (cheapest comparing to various up to $2000)
  6. transfer car ownership to business. LTA (I don't know if there was cost involved)
  7. purchase an Android phone ($150)  for Grab driver registration (iPhone won't do)
  8. register at Grab
  9. wait one day for driver's data to be uploaded
  10. start Grabbing! Yay!
Took about a month to settle all these man.......

So anyway, Bren does office cleaning too. Grab Clean.

Below are the errands he could run-- (he's already doing all these for friends but now, we should just charge a fee. must tell his friends we need to eat you know).

Grab Drive is to send passengers here and there. (registered Grab Car Driver)
Grab Clean is part-time house cleaning, office cleaning.
Grab Care is to assist elders to doctor's appointments. 
Grab Pet is pet related errands- send pets to vet, etc.
Grab Send is courier services
Grab Fetch is to fetch you laundry and other stuff that needs fetching.
Grab Rent (not in service yet) car rental

So, Grab Him if you can. Haha. Rhyme or not?

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