Friday, July 27, 2018


I'm in the middle of turning my SES around. 
Manoeuvring my SES feel metaphorically manoeuvring a military tank.
Takes skills, stamina and careful planning. Easier when you know why you're doing it. 
Mustn't live life doing things as a means to an end. 
You'd learn nothing even though you may reach the desired end.
Better to know why you're doing what you're doing. 
Answer your own questions. There is no need for mass approval.  

Don't know why they always pitch having money in a bad light.
You can still make difference in others' lives with or without money.
If you have been a generous person, you can become an even more generous person when you have lots more money. You don't become a Scrooge just because you have money.

Rich family's feud.
I have never seen any good that comes out from autocratic, constant belittling, emotional bashing parenting. Drama or no drama, autocratic parenting is (to me) a recipe for doom.

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