Thursday, July 19, 2018

Midweek Thursday

So I was watching "The Good Doctor" when there's this scene where the doctors were exclaiming "we have a crash, we have a crash!", dramatically, the machines were beeping loudly. 

So, I realise "crash" is a real term the docs use when there is a real and immediate danger, life and death. I'd tell you,,,,,,, when I was lying down at the hospital bleeding,,,, the docs had to cut me open and take Colin out..... they kept saying, "crash, crash!" and they couldn't find my vein to insert the needle, the doc's hands trembled, my heart had a real awakening fear and I knew I had to pray. It was very traumatic, just the thought of that made my hands and feet cold. With that little boy, twice I prayed for his life over mine. I have pledged to be a good person for the rest of my life, every day, I am humbled and I remind myself to do good, to be good, for I have been saved. 

These are very small matters.
Money woes are temporary.
There is no real lack in us, its just a tad hard but it's not suffering, it's just a phase of distress.

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