Monday, July 16, 2018

NDP 2018

My sis gave us two tickets to the NDP preview, it just happens that our violin school was having its annual concert and we were not involved this year, so we had a Saturday off.

I decided to bring Colin to the preview, so as to spend "PM" (precious moments) with him; bonding and quality time.

 Our seats were at the "Green" section, the left side of the make-shift seating stadium.

 Muffins with the Goodie-bag.

 Sun visors to add some mood.
Lighted noise makers, placards, various props for audience to be part-take in the celebration of our nation's 53rd BD.
I sang aloud to all the old national day theme songs, well, I'm old enough to have gathered that many. I can tell you, it is very fun to attend NDP with me, Colin can attest to that. LOL. I told him that not long ago when he was in my tummy (technically, womb) we were also at the same Marina Bay Platform watching the NDP, that was 2011. That time was with my Mom & Val.

 Precision Drilling Parade.

 Majulah Singapura.

 After the long parade, getting out from that place is always a challenge.
Everyone is visibly tired, except for the teens, they seem ever-energetic.
Leaving the make-shift stadium was tiring. Heel to heel, shoulder to shoulder, foot by foot we walked out, snail-paced troop of spectators walked to the street, heading towards MRT stations and the few shopping malls probably to get dinner.

We headed to MBS, the nearest mall.
Saw this "interactive" light display, it looks so trippy, almost like having hypnotic / meditative effects. Will try this next time. $5 per entry, not sure if there's time limit.

Almost 9pm but the food court at MBS was fully packed, we couldn't get a seat after circling the place for 10 mins. Finally decided to just get a bowl of Ramen and eat at the standing table section of the food court. The Ramen apparently is of a famous joint (IPPUDO). It was nice despite its soup being very salty. We ordered from the take-away counter (pictured above) but the dish did not come with seaweed and there were two slices of pork instead of three. Nevertheless, it was delicious and of good quality. 

Saw that the sampan boats have been replaced with the chinese bum boat design that sits more people. Wonder if the ticket prices have gone up... anyway, KiCo asked for this and I guess it will be somewhere in the pipeline. They remember their past boat rides, apparently miss the fun and want more of it. 

Perfectly normal kids and perfectly legit request. 

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