Thursday, December 29, 2011


Kiki hasn't been going to school the past four days. This is because we couldn't get up early enough to bathe her and give her breakfast in time for a sensible school going time like 8.30 or 9.00am. Plus, it'll be too tiring to keep up with the mornings and we would rather just sleep in. So I've concluded that Maricar is a better time keeper and a disciplined nanny for my child. I always joke with Kiki - Hey Rachael, why don't you go school for lunch? Hur hur hur. By the time she's decently bathed and eaten, it's like almost eleven AM. Shadowly, I wished I could send her to school for lunch because getting her to eat anything decent is a challenge. So, I starve her. I mean, I just give her dinner. No point for me to prepare lunch when I can't get her to eat. Thankfully Maricar is gone for only twelve days. I can't imagine how a household could revolve around cleaning, cooking, washing, bathing, laundry, on and on, and on. That's just too ----- I don't even have a word for it. If we just keep on doing these tasks, they will consume us. They become our lives because they are what I would term- important and urgent. You can't ignore a soiled matress nor ignore a stenched room reeking of smell so bad that could kill a horse. Ocassionally, if you are lazy, you could skip your meal if you are able-bodied but you can't tell the old and sick that hey, you want a day off, because you know what? Their stomachs, digestion, defecation and hunger won't wait. It's the same with babies, just that babies' shit actually smell a lot nicer because they just smell like the milk they drink. It is no big wonder why many people chose to send their aged parents to aged homes. Even as I understand the challenges to caring for the old, I find that sending them elsewhere must only be a last resort. But I am no judge to others, every family is different. If any person were to judge another for sending their aged parents away, I would tell that person to give it a try - go on, go bathe a full sized old person wrapped in a diaper filled with shit. Do that for thirty days and then tell me if you could still have a life at the same time. Of course there are people who could do it, they are generally called -The Domestic Helper. So anyway, I am juggling my thoughts and part taking my life as best as I can. First and foremost, we have to expand our resources in order to move on. We need probably an extra hand. Because the daily tasks are taking away the time we have for our children. Let me put it in very simple terms- between doing the must-do stuff like keeping the house clean and feeding FIL MIL SIL, other activities are being pushed back or I dare say pushed away. Activities like Playing, Reading and Quality Time. I am no subscriber to whinning, I am a rather positively charged person, so like I've said, we probably need an extra hand to get back in balance. How to work things out? I would talk to the Universe and we shall see how it'll work out.

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