Sunday, December 18, 2011

Random Reads

This book caught my attention because I am always feeling cold and I really hope that soon to come, I will be able to boost my body heat as I feel that being cold most of the time is a sign of the body being weak. True enough, this book (written by a Chinese physcian) goes on to explain that the human body is designed in such a way that we are able to dissipate heat and self-regulate when hot but our bodies are not much able to generate heat if we're immobile. Hence, we may not die when we're at 40 degree celsius but each degree loss after 37 degree celsius spells danger. 36 degree you may start to shiver and if you are always at 35 degree celsius, it is a fertile ground breeding ill health. The condition is known as "chronic hypothermia", which I believe is a condition I'm facing and I would really want to get out of it. You know, just that day I brought Kiki to her ballet class and while waiting, I drank half a cup of ice-blend lemon drink and my feet turned grey, my toes (nails) turned purple. My feet were like corpse. What was worse was I was in fact wearing long pants. It didn't help, I was dead cold. So anyway, I must really do something about this. Who would think that a city dweller in a tropical city would be cold.

Six main reasons for loosing body heat:-

1. Insufficient Exercise

2. Stress

3. Shower (the theory supports Hot, Steam Bath and not a "superficial" shower)

4. Over-eating (it says too much energy is being used to digest the food hence using up our otherwise natural heat. it goes on to support eating till you feel 80% full and not 100% full)

5. Consuming too much water. (it goes on to explain that not all body-types require 1-2 litres of water daily. it explains that like over-watered plants, the veins in our body may "rot". also, if you have water retention, you loose body heat too.)

6. Overuse of medication.

This section goes on to explain why a hot, steam bath is so ever important to detoxify the body, and how we must stop making excuses.

And lastly, there's mention of this herb- "ge geng" in a soup, "ge geng tang", which I must go find out more about it.

Okay, I hope I've shared with you what I feel is important to anyone of you (especially women) who may wish boost your body tempreature.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, thank you so much. Very helpful. I'm not a bath person. I take hot shower in my bathtub. Hee hee Will try to find time to take bath. But I find it a waste of water and I usually get a headache after a bath.
    In Sg where there's no bathtub, how huh?
