Monday, February 6, 2017

Saturday, February 4th, 2017

During our violin class, both Kiki & I knew that we wouldn't be able to miss next week's lesson because book 4 is moving fast and furious. Teacher is already demonstrating the hard parts of song #3 when nobody has showcased song #1........ So,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we put play aside, rolled up our sleeves and get to business. I needn't have to negotiate with Kiki or persuade her or anything along that line. We looked at each other and I said, -- "Looks like we'll have to give Lion Dance a miss", she nodded her head with just a little bit of disappointed look. I said we could still do swimming and all (hope it doesn't rain!), she says she hopes the candy floss stall, and the roti prata stall will still be there when we get there. (the vendors are hired by blocked bookings). Anyway, I'm glad that we've made a joint decision after weighing in on the situation, we might be there late but we can stay till late.

A girl from a more advanced class joins our class. She's puny in size and she plays very well. She was demonstrating to us concerto #2 but when she played the first note, Teacher stopped the piano, marched to the puny little girl, snatched the bow from her and asked her to start over. (Luckily, the girl didn't look troubled. She stood there, paid attention and started over. Some kids would freeze-up, some would cry.) Teacher says, when it comes to music competition, if you played the first note out-of-tune, you will be out. There's no chance to ignore a "first note" mistake because you have all the time to get yourself ready. Our teacher is a very serious person, if you have a weak heart, you'd better don't sign up with her. For us, we're like the tandem rider,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, we are always learning. And paddling. Leave the steering to our Teacher. 

Okay, after class, my sis helped me bring Kiki to dinner and home because I was heading off to office for the 拜天公 prayers. 

 with the tickets they've accumulated, Kiki exchanged them for a Pokemon folder and a Pokemon jigsaw puzzle.

Meanwhile at office--- Lohei dinner, roast pig, etc.

拜天公 prayers, the Hokkien's tradition

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