Monday, January 25, 2016

Saturdays & First Parts

 It was back-to-back on Saturday. Attended the Parents' briefing at the Chinese Centre. This is rather interesting, I am beginning to like the Centre, I hope they really do carry out their lessons as envisioned. The Principal is senior, she's stern and caring. I like her. She says please do not let our children get to the stage where they say - I hate Chinese. She says whenever she hears a kid say that, her heart breaks. Her philosophy is to make learning participative so that it will be fun. Anything fun, the kids will retain. She says that we, as parents should do just one thing. That is to give a proper foundation to learning Chinese. Although there are many fundamentals; the sides, strokes, root words etc, etc., she says to just give the kid a good foundation and make the effort to learn together with the kid.  How ideal, I hope I can carry this out.

Well, first and foremost, Chinese is not the only subject the kid learn in school. I haven't even logged in to the Math & English websites given by the school where we are to do sums and activities... various grades and marks thingy, I have not had the time to explore that yet....... and I had forgotten about her English Spelling, we just drilled the words while on the way to school this morning. "Animals, Likes, Caught, House, and I forgot what the last word was."

Anyway, the Chinese Principal made these dice with all the "sides", I don't know what you call that, I just call them 旁 (sides). She sourced for the cheapest maker and for economies of scale, made so many of these that she said it took her years before she emptied out her spare bedroom. They don't sell these dice, she says to please do her a favour by donating $5 to someone who needs it.

passed by the Art room.   I wished we had time for Art class but that can wait...

Picked up another random read, movie's coming.

 Went to Baby Natalie's full month party.
Kiki looks so grown! She looks like 10.
Everyone, like, almost every one asked where Colin was and why I didn't bring him along............

 I normally don't drink coffee after 2pm... but I needed one before we head to violin and then to ZT's 21st Birthday Party.

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