Monday, September 29, 2014

September Weekend

As per usual, we went group music in the morning, followed by some playground time. But that morning, it was scorching so we didn't use the slides. Well, it was almost noon.

Used my free night stay randomly. KiCo likes using the bathtub mainly because it's a novelty for them.

They had so much fun crawling here and there, chasing each other and made such a din, I could hear them from the lift landing -_-", luckily, no guest complained. Kiki's other tooth (lower front) almost came off when Colin tugged at the pillow she was biting on -_-""""" she was very frightened and cried as a bit of blood oozed. That night, she cried herself to sleep and woke up with puffy eyes....

Very cheeky babies. I said - Common! Stand normally, take a NORMAL picture. NORMAL!
Then Colin mimicked me in a low, husky tone - "Normal" (which left Maricar in stitches, laughing)

 15 seconds short clip

 We went home cos the bed at home is more sleep inducing

 The Papa & I continued with our session.... this time, he got me in stitches with Ah Beng songs from the 80s. He said they were my songs.

 Pacified Kiki with nail stickers before heading out with the Papa for some very juicy Canadian burgers- Triple Os (website)

The rest of the night was spent watching TV till midnight  - The Crazy Ones, American Dad, and Oblivion for the second time.

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