Tuesday, September 30, 2014

From the Tooth Fairy


It says don't pull out your child's tooth, even if it is very loose.
It says encourage your child to pull it out herself.  (Waaa, okay then)

Next, I took the survey and noted that 53% of household get help from the Tooth Fairy, well, at least for a start. And also most Tooth Fairies leave a token of $1 (so I will probably reduce the amount gradually). Lastly, most household would keep up with the Tooth Fairy for as long as they possibly can (while I would prefer to let the cat out of the bag when I think she's ready to learn that the Tooth Fairy is actually her Mama).

1 comment:

  1. Er, why need to pull out at all? Just let it drop naturally lah! Aiyo. And yes we've only left S$1 for the tooth over all these years - no inflation even. :D
