Monday, September 8, 2014

Inching towards Minuet # 2 (update)

Teacher S asked who could play the first half of Minuet #2 and Kiki raised her hand. Her teacher raised an eyebrow and gestured to me--"can she?" to which I nodded. (Of course there were a couple of other kids who could play, some went on to play the full tune later on but they were hesitant in raising their hands for reasons I do not know). So anyway, Kiki and I are like...... "Team Forrest Gump"? The two of us used to spearhead demoing in class, be it playing it well or otherwise. Me crossing my fingers mostly. For me, it's like the sooner you get over it, the better. This time, it was not bad. Her teacher commented that so far what she has heard are "clean notes", she takes that to mean that we've been practising the prescribed open string exercises eg: DAAEAEEDD, prior to introducing fingering on those strings. Plus it was a good thing the slurs - A12D23 came in smoothly.
So now we're motivated to try hard to learn that hardest part which we've not conquered - 3E1221E344321221A3212D. And then it'll be to some exercises her teacher prescribed for the "last song in book 2" which she says it's the hardest song that normally takes 3 to 4 months to learn. (scary..... she has never said that about any previous tunes).


  1. See Grade 3 (exam syllabus ended 2011)

    1. Wa, Gavotte is one of the Grade 3 pieces ar?

    2. You saw in the ABRSM syllabus for yourself, right?


  2. Your 3E1221E344321221A3212D - see already very intimidating. hahah. Last piece not easy. Break it up to practise.
