Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Reading Club

Kiki's school has a reading club. Each week, the children get to select one English and one Chinese story book. They will bring it home in the middle of the week and we will return the books on Monday. Every Tuesday, the kids will have to read the Chinese book in class while Wednesday, they will read English.

Kiki's Mandarin pronunciation is a little off, given that she hardly gets to hear Mandarin besides school and enrichment. I am very thankful for the school's reading club because although I read to her, I have not found much books that she could read on her own. (we only have one beginner's book in the entire home library and those at our national library are not for beginner readers or i didn't look hard enough).

The next thing for me is to read to Colin. This has become very troubling for me because I only get to see him on weekends. Every night, he is asleep when I am home. I feel troubled when I couldn't give him more of my time. For now, I asked Bren to do it but he is not a good reader, he reads every sentence like a question. The alternative is to have Maricar read to him, she's not too bad and I hope she will help me out here. Until such time when Colin could delay bedtime, perhaps I would then get the chance.

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