Thursday, March 27, 2014

"Assignments" during Zoo's outing

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"There are "assignments" to complete and to be handed up before heading home."
Wow. What kind? This is really a Sg education. I went with my boys for their school outing to the National farm. They just followed the guide. No assignment to do. I like your photos.

Hi Sohcool,

We didn't have a guide, the school had been preparing the kids for the zoo trip hence the children more or less knew the names of common animals and the kids were delighted to see live versions. I was relieved that K1 has only Chinese assignments; K2 had to do the English ones also. As for N1 (Colin), they had flour dough to knead and mould into any animal shape the kid fancies.

Well, the assignment acts mainly like a "de-brief" after the visit. The student would then be sharing with his/her classmates on some sightings. For me, I've learned that the Chinese word for roar is 吼 and not 叫 as I had often misused. LOL.

We had only covered 1/4 of the zoo, I think we will be visiting the zoo again but this time, perhaps more leisurely =P

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