Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Saturday 20th November

 Went to JL's baby's full month celebration. 

After violin class, we went Tokyu Hands again.

 Adopt-a-pet campaign

One Grand Aunt bought her a haversack for P1, another Grand Aunt gave her $20 to buy anything. 
We bought a dog-designed Pencil case at Tokyu Hands, for exactly $20.   Well,,,,,,, don't think it'll last for six years but,,,,,,, we'll see lah har.

 I'm not supposed to read the scroll but I read it anyway. 
Kiki had a complaint to make but she's not sending it to anyone. She's just venting it on paper. 
She tried to put the complaint to me when we were travelling on the bus but I told her I didn't care to hear. (so mean of me). She was unhappy that while I yelled at her, no, while I howled at her when she dropped my Rubik's cube (at home), I did the total opposite when Ryan did the same (at the party). I had told Ryan "It's okay, don't worry about it" when he dropped my Rubik's and a few cube tooth came off. Of course lah, firstly, Ryan is my nephew. Secondly, he dropped the cheaper Rubik's. Thirdly, I was gonna send my good Rubik's for diagnosis at Ken's, so I wasn't concerned about having a spoiled cube. But still, I guess she was rather hurt over the unjustifiable howling I had given her. (I've already told her that no matter how angry I appear to be, it will only be for two days. After which, I will always find a healthier way to deal with the situation.) But I guess that kind of emotional processing is a tad sophisticated for a six-year-old because all she did was to hold up her arms over her head and squatted down when I howled at her. I have to forgive myself for that, I over-reacted. I have a bad temper and I need to learn to be on relaxed mode by default.

Her other complaint is that I had ignored her at the party. 
Well, I've asked her to socialize but she was still holing up in her shell. I mean, for me to make an effort to talk to some less close cousins also require effort from my part and I've already been making more effort to mingle more in order to set an example for her.

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