Monday, October 5, 2015

Sunday, 4th October

They fought. They fight over every, little, thing. It's like fighting makes growing up together fonder. 
But of course they laugh together a lot also. Especially contagious is Colin's laughter. It reminds me of my sis' when she was a toddler. But Colin's laughter is sometimes silly. He is naughty, usually, he's the antagonizer, then Kiki would hammer him with her fist. Like really hammer down on him. Don't know where they learnt to be so violent, even I got scared. Must be from Tom & Jerry. Or that cockroach show, what's the name? Oggy & the cockroaches.

 They made a tunnel with a flyover bridge that has car parks at the end of the flyover.

 They pointed out the sand truck, roller and excavator that were idling since it was Sunday.

From the beach,  I headed to the library to pick up a book I've reserved, only to remember that I've maxed the loan quota just a couple of days ago.... I was trying to convince the librarian to let me exceed my quota, but at the back of my head, I didn't think she could do that. But as luck would have it, she explained that the library has just given a mega booster to all members to borrow up to 20 books (and audios) with effect the night before, till January 2016!
Waa, saved me the trouble of going home to get another library card. haha. Serendipity at work!
Come on, Serendipity, stick with me forever will you?

PW sent me a photo of this flower she took at Bishan Park. She says I really ought to bring KiCo there to play with the many numbers of friendly dogs.

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