Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Think before you speak

What constitutes to a Gossip?

Some people feels that as long as they're not making things up, or as long as they are telling the truth; it's not gossip.

That is so not true. You know why?

Because truth changes. And so what if you're telling the truth.

For me, it is best to check one's intentions;
even if a piece of information is factual, is it kind or necessary to carry the tale?

I've came across a THINK checklist but I forgot what the 'H' was about. Honest? Helpful?

'THINK' Checklist:-

True - is it true?
H ***
Inspiring - is it inspiring or discouraging?
Necessary- is it necessary to carry the story? if not, shut up.
Kind- is it kind? if not, shut up.

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