Friday, August 1, 2014

Heritage Tour

Last night, Kiki showed me her new teddy bear (which is a premium toy for the upcoming F1 in September). She said only Howard (a boy from K2) and herself received the bear because they were the leaders. I am not sure what the leaders had been tasked to do but I suppose if it was a school's outing then perhaps the leaders' would have to chaperone his/her classmates.

She told me that the Singapore Cricket Club is more that a hundred years old, and is older than Singapore. (I can't remember what else she said,,,, but it seems like they had a guided tour at the SCC because she was churning out information like from a factsheet). They also visited Raffles Place and Merlion pier which were part of the planned Heritage Tour organised by the school.

By the way, her teddy's name is "Rosy" (despite it being a male teddy, it has a feminine name). 
I did give her a choice after learning its name being "Rosy". I asked her - Is Rosy a female bear who is Tomboy or is Rosy a male bear with a female name?  She said the bear is a boy and his name is Rosy. LOL. A very tickling name for a male teddy. 

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