Thursday, August 14, 2014


Hello guys,
I've graduated! Yeah.
Gave Bren a big hug last night. Told him thanks, he asked why.
He said I did all the studying. I said well,. he took care of the kids while I was gone. Furthermore, he sponsored my school fees, heh heh heh.

Took a while for the feeling to sink. Then I called my mom. She asked: - "Got gown to wear or not? Let's go celebrate." Me:- "Errr, have lah but got to rent." She - "Rent lah". I'm like, not so keen leh., I mean, how old am I already lah! Silly.

If I really want it, I would rather go attend the convocation at UH this November. Alas I am unable to summon enough desire to take the trouble although a part of me desire to make an excuse to go the distance or I may otherwise never have another reason to travel seven thousand miles to a foreign land that I only read or watch about.

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