Monday, August 29, 2016

Happy Birthday, My Baby Colin.

Kiki has an ulcer on the upper lip, "Heatiness", I said. Must drink "Ling Yang" I said.

Colin has a cough and slight temperature. Must drink "Ling Yang" I said.

We were not planning on swimming because of the haze, although we did bring our gears.

At the counter, I informed the receptionist that we would not be staying for the night. We would be just staying for the day. She asked if we would like to have an upgraded room then, which we gladly received. Thank you, Universe.

You can use the bathtub and watch TV at the same time, if you really want to.

From me. Recycling Green-environmental truck.
Rocky from Paw Patrol.

 Hello, Rocky.

 My mom came over by herself. Free-and-easy.

 My lovely boy, Colin, is five. 

Always glad to have my sis & SJ around. 

Maricar definitely is more fond of Colin. I know. 

 Brother & Sister, always fight.

 Cool present from my sis & SJ. 
CAT excavator, a kid engineer's goal.

 Rocky at the pool. 

 A beckoning cat savings bank. 
(gift from my sis to Kiki)

We did one set of Math worksheet because she was having the Math test the next day.

Wah, what kind of question is this? Like some Mensa IQ question. Maybe they're trying to sieve out a kid genius.

So I told her if she's gotten this correct, she might be semi-genius.  (Joke lah okay)

Alas, 84 is not the correct answer.

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