Monday, August 24, 2015

At the Speech Therapist

So last week, we were at the Speech Therapist's.

I have informed the therapist about all the matters his childcare brought up, the tantrums, the lack of interest to complete task-in-hand, colouring, and whatever milestone lags etc. etc. After three hours of seemingly endless flip chart questions and interviewing, the therapist concluded that Colin is probably a little behind with Pronunciation (eg: Lion becomes Nyon), needs a little help with numbers (eg: three sweets give away one), other than that she thinks Colin is fine. The analysis reports that he has no problem with expressive language (above average, in fact), and that he gave a few original ideas (non-standard answers). She also feels that not every kid will be interested in colouring or art and crafts, hence the schools here would say that the child is unable to complete structured "table tasks". However, she feels that it is a good idea since we're proceeding with the speech therapy sessions in school, and that it should help him in more ways than one. 

1 comment:

  1. A1 did not talk much at 3 years old. My PD wrote a recommendation to see a speech therapist once he started school as the waiting was long in Paris. We moved to a small village and the school teacher told us it was too early. A1 spoke a lot more after a few months in school. At 4, we had a check with a speech therapist as he could not pronounce certain words in French. The ST said it was too early as it could be unblock naturally. A year later, he is having sessions with the ST. After 10 sessions, he could pronounce better if he made the effort.
    A2 pronounces better than his brother but not perfect. He does not need any assistance on speech. He is going 5 and has lack of interest in colouring. He likes outdoor activites. A2 has a stronger character than his brother and threw regular tantrums at home last year. But in school, his teacher told us he behaved very well. We have no idea why. I think he was testing his parents.
    Hope Colin enjoys his session with the therapist.
