Monday, April 24, 2017

Mock Exam

I had forgotten about our mock exam, when the school called, I jumped out from bed. 

We hurried over and it was totally chaotic. Kiki had a terribly painful stiff neck! Of all days, she couldn't turn her head nor look up without wincing, ouch! ouch ouch! she cried. 
I told her to just bear with it, the mock exam session will be over in 5 mins. (actually, it was 15 mins) anyway, she did her part and clenched her back to go through it. Thank goodness for second chances, we will now know that on the actual exam, we have to arrive 15 mins early, dress appropriately (no sandals!), bring along the registration form, and besides the three songs we've got to play, we have to do scales! CDEFGAB. (learn all, and the examiner will test at random). And I must remember to make sure she has her pillows. Crazy mom.

 we headed for breakfast after the hazardous mock exam.

 after that, it was Colin's outing time.
we had a very tasty, organically cold pressed berries popsicle. the new stall is near our place, so we'll be having these all the time! yay.

Colin says, five towers representing five fingers, water fountain representing the palm-- which is the dirtiest part of the hand.

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