Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Let's not talk about lbs

Let's not talk about pounds.

Let's just talk about general health.

Stiff joints, back pain, bloating stomach, gastric reflux-- are these enough for me to get my butt moving?

Actually, I've been putting up with bloatedness for a long time. But I didn't help myself out of it. Like I didn't stop coffee intake, I sit right back at my work desk right after lunch, I get stressed out at work over multiple work stuff, I didn't stop drinking coke, I didn't exercise, I didn't stop fatty meat.

Last year, my colleague gave me a book on numerology.
I marked out my charts and read the readings.
Everything that was on the books about my past, was accurate to a T.
So now let's just talk about the Health section. It showed 3 missing elements out of 5, and that is considered 'serious'. It warned about problems with my heart, spleen & lung, which are related mainly to the small intestines, stomach, and large intestines. This information is not new to me but I got really depressed over it last year. It kind of foretell ill health in my older years.

But I broke out of feeling sorry for myself. I said I have to do something.

So I decide to at least break a sweat once in a while. I asked if I could tag along to the gym.
My colleague says okay, not a problem, he also wants to have an exercise regime.
So we made a point to run once in a week over lunch hours.
With all the traveling time etc., we only have time for 30 mins at the treadmills and to warm down before a quick shower. 

All i want is to run 2.4km under 24mins. that's all.

sweat, i did. look terrible right? 

 never mind, it's all in the make up! LOL.

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