Friday, November 18, 2016

Birthday Month

If you have a pool of girl friends, you can all share the benefits of birthday month discounts when purchasing your regular brands. 10% is not much but for brands that doesn't do sales promotions, it's not bad, especially if you need to just get 6 months' worth of stuff (or if you're really kiasu, heck, you can stock up for the year?) Haha. 


I had wanted to get all my toiletries from Watson's that night (25% off all items), alas I missed it because I had dinner with my colleague & an ex-customer. our ex-customer has retired (from O&G) but he will go do work that he would find joy in. He's now building his house on a cliff at Albany, Denmark, Western Australia, and he reckons he'll complete building his house within a year since he has gotten all sorts of architectural approvals from their national parks as the Nullaki park where he resides is a protected park. His developer's place is for sale at $5mil (I would think its A$ he's talking about). I have not gotten to know my ex-customer because,,,, I mean, I deal with his staff but not him. Only my boss deals with him, being bosses. So initially, I was hasistant to join for dinner. But my colleague nudged me along.... so I joined them. Besides a little bit of work stuff that we talked about, we mainly talked about his house building. I asked questions about bush fire (anyone found with a naked flame during a stipulated period in April, would be fined $1K, regardless reasons), about using solar power (yes, he will install solar panels), about whale watching (yes, he will have it at his front yard), about having fresh eggs (he will have hens & roosters), and he told us about how the farmers hunt foxes because foxes always kill all their lambs and chickens and make away with one. (ie. the foxes may take one or two chickens for food, but before they fled, they would kill the entire chicken coop. naughty by nature?). Then our ex-customer told us about the stars at night. It's almost like he could view the milky way. He says because he's there with his wife and both of them are not young, he will build a one-storey house but he will have a roof top garden where he could do whale watching, stargazing, and host parties.

Of course as a friendly gesture before the end of our casual dinner, he said we should go find him next time.

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