Wednesday, March 21, 2018


I don't like to read on Kindle or pdf. My brain doesn't light up that way. 
I used to call up Kinokuniya & Borders (now defunct) to enquire about titles that I want. 
When new titles that I asked for wasn't in store yet, they would jot down the details, bring the books in, and when the books arrived, the store would call me to collect my reservation. 

That was in the past. 

Now I try not to buy books. 
Because first of all, I don't have enough space to store them properly. (Keyword: Properly)
Secondly, books, like money, hardly ever get returned when loaned. (Unless you're the Bank or the Library Bank ie) I don't like losing my books this way, nor money! for that matter. Thirdly, I only live in the moment of reading, I would have Aha moments while reading and then more or less develop amnesia over the books after a few months. I don't recall titles nor authors. How terrible. 

So now that I more of less just borrow books from the library, I still can't help wanting titles that I want. Good thing they have a "recommendation" feature, I can recommend the title and hope they'd bring it in. It would benefit everyone else wouldn't it?

So I've made my maiden recommendation today.

The Fish That Ate The Whale: The Life and Times of America's Banana King

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