Thursday, May 8, 2014

Practice: Etude (Suzuki Book 1)

Honestly,,,,,, it has never crossed my mind that anyone would view any of the videos I put on Youtube. Nor any of the pictures I put on Instagram. I use these platforms mainly for storage purposes and hardly explore them for new features nor interact with other users. Today, I learn that Youtube has an enhancing feature that would covert dark images into brighter, auto-enhanced & friendlier end product. You see, Kiki doesn't like being filmed, more so she finds flashlights from the camera/iPhone too glaring and blinding (hence I don't use flash). You may find it surprising, she also doesn't like posing for pictures. Most pictures are taken candidly. Whenever I take a video of her she will protest and I will tell her it's for her Yiyi. That's about the only condition she will allow me to film her. LOL.

So this week, we are practising - Etude. We have crossed the first milestone that is to memorise the notes and format of the tune. The next milestone is to master the "quick, short bows" and to ensure the bowing "stops" and not relax into a sleepy tune. Followed by lots of fine tuning and practise.

1 comment:

  1. That's one reason why you would rather see photos or videos of my older kids UNLESS it's a public performance. But often public performances are at Venues where we are not allowed to videotape too! Ah.
