Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Art & Crafts

My Aunt Lee Choo used to buy for us Suncatcher plastic templates for our colouring activity, she knows that these crafts are well received by Kiki and I, we are always delighted to have these hence my Aunt is motivated to supply us more. This time, she gave us two pieces of Batik mesh cloth templates. I've tried to involve Colin but he's not keen. (I have to think of something else for him then....)

Two weeks back, Kiki did the one with Butterfly motif while I took Parrot, her colours are darker because she didn't rinse the brush before dipping into various colour tubs (I should have briefed her..), eventually, all colours became dirty-looking. Nonetheless, it gives quite an authentic Batik feel.

 Sometimes, Kiki's piano teacher would do some sketching with the little girl. I guess this is one of the ways she bonds with her younger students who may be slightly restless. Last night, Kiki came home with a collapsible piano origami. Look at the two bulldogs peeking (above). The paper unfolds into a standing piano.

The amusing thing with using recycled paper is that sometimes you get odd messages at odd places.
The three black thingy are the Pedals of the piano.

 Kiki and the Papa came home for a short interval before going to the CC for her Speech & Drama class.
Last night, the theme was on Snakes. I can't remember what I was doing in the room but because I didn't entertain her repeated request to play with her, she took a pair of my socks and made a snake from it... luckily I didn't have sentimental attachment to that pair of socks. (Yes, I can be sentimental over anything). Anyway, for a while didn't know if I should laugh or scold her for ruining the socks; but I eventually joined her in her games. She said we'll do a snake-fight, like using our arms to mimic two hissing snakes snarling at each other, whichever snake wins by inflicting a bite on the other. For dramatic effect, I "died" three times. We had such good laughs.....hissing away. 

By then, it was nearing eleven and I had to skip my book because she wants me to read hers.
I've learned that we must try not to decline a child when he/she wants to be read to because nurturing reading habits is important. It was one of those rare, late nights. Normally I would ask her to be in bed by ten although I think by 9.30 would be better. We'll get there.

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