Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Nature's technicolors

 The technicolors of the clouds

 I have this piece of clip-on synthetic hair which I was toying around with and found that it doesn't really blend with my hair for whatever reasons. instantaneously, I wondered how Kiki would look like with hair this long, hence I'd told her if she wants to play dress-up as Princess Bubblegum, which she gamely part took.
Her Papa's first reaction was; "wow, Rachael, you gotta keep your hair long!" Grinning from side to side. (Men and their fetish for girls with long hair -_-" )
Anyway, her childcare school is a VERY PRACTICAL place. Her teacher told her to keep her hair shoulder length, if not short. They remind her to cut her hair when it gets long. That's one.
Two, they ask her not to wear skirts, and to keep to shorts and T-shirts instead. This is because she is expected to shower and dress herself up, so she has trouble with dresses of course, because she can't reach the zip at the back. (I've already mentioned about the school preferring sandals and strongly discourage socks, sneakers, and of course no fanciful heeled sandals)
Of course I am also a practical person, taking into consideration functionality, hence I co-operate.
So I leave those nicer dresses to the weekend.

"Adventure Time" - is on cartoon network and is currently her favourite cartoon series.
It's about the adventures of a boy (Finn) and his best friend (Jake, a dog). Finn has a crush on Princess Bubblegum but Jake told him to give the idea up because she's too old for him. (Finn is 13 while Princess Bubblegum is 18). etc. etc.

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