Monday, September 28, 2015

A Joyous Day 27th September 2015 月圆花好,中秋节

Setting off in a taxi to my mom's place in the morning.. 7.40am
Woke up automatically at 6.18am, no need alarm clock. 

 My 大姨, 小姨, cousin Loo Sin & Joo Yann were all here to give a booster to the festivity although we hadn't invite them as we thought to keep it as simple as possible. But they want to come and cheer, so, cheer they did.

 My Mama & Sherz.
 My sis & I.

 With her friend- Angela.

Eating 汤圆


  1. shocked to see so many there after I walked through the main door!

  2. Erm... This is considered the smallest crew. There were more senior aunts asking to come but we've told them to head straight to the restaurant. As for my Dua Yi, I was also surprised that she insisted to come. Like I dunno what time. You know she forgot the unit number and she went from floor to floor from 25, 24, 23, 22, 21, 20 and found my mom's place. She didn't carry a mobile phone.
