Saturday, October 24, 2009

Of Potty & Winter

Winter in East Coast.
Kiki looks as if she was going somewhere cold.
Indeed, the shopping centres in Singapore are cold.
So much energy to keep the buildings cool, yet the generators emit even more heat to the atmosphere. Try standing behind an air-con generator and you will know what I mean.
I never did care until I watched I "an inconvenient truth". Although I still feel that even if I think green or go green, my efforts alone will not be able to effect major change, which is what we need. Rain (new colleague) reminded me that if everyone who thinks like me put in an effort, there will surely be results. So, ya, I will be mindful of the resources that we have and with my personal effort, be green. (having said that, I am not ready to be a fanatic, so please don't talk to me about carbon footprints and all).

First time using the potty today. It is funny how she natrually grunts when she poops.
Probably, making that noise made it easier.


  1. wow. so fast potty training. is it effective? if so, I will try that out too.

  2. Suddenly, from this angle, neither does she look like you nor brandon bro. She looks like her unique self.

  3. yes i also think that she looks different this week.

    Ash: i also didn't think to start potty training so soon but since my cousin did it for her boy, i thought no harm to try. turns out kiki is fine with using the potty and i feel that it is cleaner too. however, few times she gave us false alarms. she did the "errrrrrk" grunt and we rushed to prepare the potty but nothing turned up. she thinks it is funny i guess.
