Thursday, April 16, 2009

Week 2 of 16

I have 16 weeks of maternity leave. Will return to work before the end of July. 
This is really a bonus, considering there is so much to learn, to manage, to get organized. 
I've done all the paperwork for Baby Bonus, which will be paid over a period of 18 months. I intend to pass the money to Kiki and put it into her CDA account where the government will match dollar for dollar, up till six thousand dollars. The money can be used for some enrichment classes or child care fees etc. There are many challenges at home, the water pipe got stuck and the whole bathroom and kitchen were flooded last night. We spent hours clearing the choke, good thing the plumber came this morning to give it a through push. I can't sleep at night. No, I can't sleep during the day, I can't sleep during the night. I am too highly strung. Even sedatives didn't help. Ok, I must really get my body clock back on schedule. The damn rash from the antibiotics allergy is frustrating. Hope it will go away soon. The pain from the C-section is more bearable today. I shall keep wearing the girdle since it seems to ease the pain. When there's wind movement in the colon and when there's bowel movement, boy was it painful! For once I finally admit to the importance of the Confinement Practice. You can't imagine how my hands ache and I couldn't grasp with my fingers in the morning just because I had meddled with cold tap water. So far, I've been bottle feeding Kiki several times. I try to do it during the day so that the nanny can take a break or she gets naggy really. Thank goodness for Joo Yann to point out to us that the previous milk bottle wasn't working for Kiki. Since then, she has been drinking much better and are now finishing up her portions more often. A baby's job is to eat and sleep. We got to bathe & cleanse her daily, and just spend some quality time with her when she's more awake in the evenings. For now, that's all. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. some tips on bottle feeding... some babies may reject bottle tits for unknown reason at some stage, if that happens, can try spoon feeding...

    Vaccination: Do consider vaccination for Rotavirus and Pneumococcal. I know they are not cheap but do read up before making a decision....
