Thursday, April 30, 2009

In the Pipeline

Time passes very quickly, we are already at week 4.

There are so many things to do in the pipeline I'm beginning to worry if I can manage. I think the problem with me is that I want to do everything perfectly and I stress myself by thinking like that. I must learn to relax, I'm competitng with nobody! Must get my sense of humour back. We'll need to get the cooker, arrange for deliveries of furnitures and various equipment, go shop for cockery, pots & pans, bed linens, new pillows and what nots. Start to do packing of all the stuff to bring over new place. I need to go see the dentist, go cut my hair, have the big day to move to new place, say goodbye to current house, say goodbye to the staff at the china food stall. Say goodbye to the estate.

I need to learn to be mobile with Kiki, learn to bring her out of the house so that we can go run errands, go to the park and everywhere else. I bathed her yesterday for the first time. I have not got the hang of it but I'm sure I'll do better with some practice. She is quite a handful when she cries before feeding time but she is oh so beautiful when she looks around us with her big, interesting eyes when we sing to her. You know, Brendan has become quite a song composer, he would just make up his own rhyming song when coaxing her; and we would both dance and goof around with her, like errr, the King's jesters we've become.

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