Friday, October 5, 2018

Sunny Wolves

Our Sunny City, Singapore, have a problem with illegal money lenders. 
When our government legalized small, credit money lending businesses, they did not think that those businesses would have a life of its own. They morph into a monster bigger than they originally were. They become underground thuds and bullies, they target the ill-informed workers and harass both the victims and their employers. 

Legalizing money lending was just breathing fresh air to their originally illegal business. 
It is like issuing sheep-coats to wolves, expecting wolves not to salivate upon seeing a pack of sheep. 
So, for the initial first few years the wolves tried to eat and be cordial. 
After their market share been consumed, they move on to more threatening tactics. Harassing borrowers and shaming them at their workplace. Since there is no law against shaming. 
After consuming sheep openly, legally, they move on to eat up foreign workers, be it work pass or work permit. Still, it was legal to loan to that market. 
After consuming the work pass holders legally, the wolves moved underground. 
With a pack of wolves in sheep-pens, all hell broke loose. 
Just think about how many years of head-start they have already gotten. 

The thuds are in the dark, it is hard to clamp them down. 
The police has to sieve out its citizens who became runners for the thuds, letting them use their bank accounts and helping them register mobile numbers, facilitating despicable & unscrupulous bullying and threatening tactics. 

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