Wednesday, July 13, 2016

The Legend of Tarzan

 I enjoyed the movie for its dramatic effects, its orchestra & symphony choirs, reminds me of movies like The Last of the Mohicans. 

Bren says the movie was so-so. He didn't like the CGs and he didn't like it that the movie deviated from the original author's - Edgar Rice Burroughs' books. He said that the movie deviated 90 percent from the originals. I said it was meant to be seen from Tarzan's perspectives this time. Well, I don't even remember the past Tarzan movies so I can't argue with him. All I said was that he can't expect a movie of today to be made along the same lines as the past. He said there wasn't many Tarzan movies of past, there were only 3 that he remembers. I said why don't he see it in another way- for me, it was a sad movie, about inhumane trade in slavery, about greed, about revenge, about repentance (of a mercenary soldier), about tribal honour, about romance, and about respecting the animal kingdom. 
There are so many other aspects to the movie besides the history on the King. He says that the movie had put Belgium in bad light and for a King that had died a hundred years ago, he is not here to defend himself and that people might think that the movie means real history. I said of course no one would just watch a movie and think that it's real history, surely people will research. Again he says that not everything we find from the Net is real. I said not everything we find from a book is real either. Not even official documents are all real, they are an account from a person / a ministry / a group of people/ an authority, but always, whatever that is recorded is an observation at best, an opinion at worse, a propaganda at worst.

The important thing is- what can we do now? how are we living our lives? exploitation comes in many levels, do we recogise them? 

So we had a healthy dose of exchange of opinions over Tarzan 2016.

 A google search on "King Leopold" will land you many slavery photos.

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