Thursday, July 7, 2016

One thing always lead to another

So my sis had downloaded this Singing App for Kiki seven months ago.
But I have not tried this until two days ago.
Well, if I want free access, I would have to "Sing" with another user, the user would be a paid member. Paid member gets to share songs so we sing as duets.
I didn't want to pay for Apps these days because I have paid for so many Apps that I end up not using or totally forgot about them, not even reinstalling them onto my phone.

So anyway, the Singing App was not as hooking as the AutoRap App. 

With the AutoRap It is amazing how I could churn out interesting remixes with that App. You will be amazed by the number of beats available. The genres, the songs. With these amazing apps, I think professional pop singers might be overrated since these technology were available to them probably a few decades ago. It has only now turned public. 

I made a 煮豆燃豆萁, rap. It was so cool. 
Well, I couldn't think of anything to say when the mic came on, so I just recited one of the few poems committed to memory. 煮豆燃豆萁, 豆在釜中泣。本是同根生, 相煎何太急。 

Since it was a rest day at home, I had lots of time to play with the Apps. 
I recorded the ruckus that KiCo was making while they played with their toys. I used that recording to make a rap mix, featuring Colin's sharp chuckles. 

Then I asked Kiki to pretend that she's a sad, little girl, disappointed that her mommy couldn't buy her a pair of new sneakers that she had wanted. With that emotions, I asked her to read part of the "Cool Kids" lyrics and mapped it onto the Cool Kids rap beat. 

Lastly, Colin recited "Raindrops keep falling on my head", and that made a very cool rap too. 

However, all my recordings would only last seven weeks as I am not paying for the App... $58 a year.
So, just enjoy it while it lasts.

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