Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Art House, Theatre & Musicals

 To take her mind off the pending dentist appointment, I've arranged for a show after the dental session.
The other time after filling her teeth, we went to watch the movie- RIO2. This time, we're watching "How to Catch a Star". And I've borrowed the book from our NLB to read with her before going for the show. The Papa says I'm superb (as in great idea); I think that's what her teachers would do, and I'm half a teacher, or quarter of a teacher, I guess.

This's the book I've collected last night. ($1.55 for reservation and transferring it from another location. I reckon it's faster and cheaper than taking a bus to Jurong Library and locating the book in the library. once the book had been transferred, NLB dropped me an email alert.)

June 7th I have a wedding dinner to attend at night, but I am free in the morning.
I've bought tickets and will bring KiCo there.
Steph & I have tried to coincide a show-date but our kids' schedules didn't have a common free time, perhaps next time.

 This one... KIV

 this also KIV

 Dora,, we're skipping it. I think she has outgrown it.
Plus, we're going to Phuket!!!!  YEAH!   for a week.
Her violin teacher's going for an annual break (first 3 weeks in June), so,,,,,,,, we're freed. LOL.

I've not booked this yet, but we should go after violin class that Saturday.
Is it at the indoor stadium? or is the new stadium ready? I've got to check.... I don't think I've read news on its opening. I was at the old National Stadium on the night it drew its curtains. Val and I finished Christina Aguilera's concert, walked out from the Indoor Stadium and were greeted with BOOMs!, Fireworks! How we yelled, it was a beautiful sight etched in my memory. The old stadium was having a grand finale so we hopped over and joined the crowd. It was a bitter-sweet experience. There were so many people who just lazed on the grass, some took photographs, a group of people kicked a football high across the field, and another group of people (mostly strangers to each other) kicked the ball back. To and forth it went on for a long time. Bitter-sweetness filled all faces and I bet all hearts that were there. We make way for change and progress, for newer, better things, to accommodate growth and development, although of course we may also reminisce the past.

This one also KIV

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