Friday, March 11, 2016

Will you marry me?

Of all the times we've passed by a furniture store, I've always forbade her to rest on the sofa and pointed out the sign that says - "Do No Sit" / "Do Not Rest".   So when she saw a sign that says - "Try Me", she just had to jump at the chance, so jump! she did.

After piano, we went to get tickets for Kung Fu Panda. (Piano- teacher says got to work on dynamics)

After getting our tickets for Kung Fu Panda (for next Tuesday), we swung over to the Pancake place as I had let her name what she wants to eat. While walking there, she asked me how my day went, after telling me about her day (two water pipes in her school's admin office / teacher's room
burst on Wednesday, so the past two days the teachers were busy saving whatever documents they could save). I pondered for a while but I couldn't tell her how my day went. She then asked how I felt about my day. She asked if I was Happy, Sad, Angry, Annoyed, Upset, Glad, or medium-sad, very-sad, medium-angry, very-angry, etc etc. I was surprised that she was so sensitive, suggesting so many emotions for me. I said I didn't know what to tell her but she was relentless. She repeats all options and asked how I felt. Finally, I said I felt - Worried. She said - Oh ya, I forgot "Worried".   
Shucks. I shouldn't have brought it up. I should have just suck it up. Shitty me.

So while we were waiting for our food, I browsed FB and saw this girl holding up her sketch, and I asked Kiki if she could draw something like that. Kiki got offended and said that she wouldn't wanna copy someone's drawing. I said it isn't copying and I don't mean to copy, I meant could she have come up with something like that. Kiki said why would she wants to come up with something like that, she said that her drawing would be entirely different. Oh well! Whatever. I was only asking and it didn't occur to me that she could be so opinionated. Sometimes I think too much of me rubbed onto her and I worry that she may not be well-liked by her peers.... you know, people always call self-asserted women - bitches. Anyway, I like it that she's self-assured. Sometimes, hearing her even inspires me. It's like hearing from a healthy minded me. She's like a USB Thumb Drive of me with all the things I've said and done, playing out for me.

So later on our food arrived. 

 the minion toy is a whistle, her classmate gave it to her. 

 salad & onion rings 

 after that she went to the chalkboard 

 sheep house 

 foxes and wolves transforming to dogs

She picked up a flower and asked - Will you marry me?
I almost had tears in my eyes

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