Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Art Class

we are taking a break from the art classes as Kiki will be starting full day child care next month. she had been joining this class for the past 3 months and she enjoyed it very much, judging from how she affectionately talks about her teacher; Nicole. the guided paintings, colourings and crafts are refreshing and interesting. Kiki attends the 1.5-hour class alone. i appreciate that she is independent in that sense. we hope to part take in art lessons again in the near future, for now we will let her settle in with the new schedule. to think that a child goes to school from eight in the morning till five-thirty in the evening is like an adult's work-day. i was hesitant to put her in full day school but i guess she will be having more fun and learning activities in her new school. suddenly, it feels like she's growing up fast. she will also stop her gym, which is something she will miss. she expressed disappointment when i told her she's stopping gym. she said "no" to new school when i told her she has to stop gym because she was going to new school. before that, she was looking forward to attending the new school. so i told her we could always visit the gym as and when they have extra camps etc. furthermore, Colin will be starting gym and she could always hop in. (actually, that's not entirely true... Colin's sessions will be on weekdays so Kiki will not be able to hop in) but well, i had to pacify her. i will lookout for some of those holiday camps for her to join at the gym next time. promise. she will also stop speech and drama at her current school. i think her new school will have it for free. her new school is big on literacy and drama, i think that will be loads of fun. they are also big on "incidental learning", as well as encouraging "spirit of inquiry" to foster independent thinking skill. pamela highly recommends me there as her daughter, HJ benefited from there. So this is a start of Kiki's "formal" education. the first thing the teacher said she will do is to wean her off the diapers. she couldn't fathom why her current school didn't do it. perhaps she almost was gonna ask me why i didn't do it. i shall leave it unanswered....


  1. Hi, Did she do that? The drawing was really nice.
    Wow. Kiki had so many activities.
    A1 is going to school come sept and it is from 9am to 4pm. A long day indeed. All kids are required to be diaper free by then. A1 is diaper free during the day but still wants to wear diaper to sleep at night. I guess each kid has his/her own timing to be ready.

  2. The drawings and paintings are all guided and touched up by the teacher.
