Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Random Tuesday

 Be careful what energy you let into your life. Stay away from people who doesn't have your interests in their hearts. Ask for supportive people in your life. Relevance is more important than age. I don't know why some studies say that you need childhood friends to remind you who you were when you were growing up. Yeah, I mean, if you do catch up and laugh & joke about the past silly things you've done together, that's like okay lah, old time's sake. But really, you should already know who you were, who you are. I think newer friends would be able to shed a more relevant spotlight onto your current self while we make the effort to keep old friendships alive. 

 To the friend(s) who let you down, wish them well. Wish they would have the life they so desire.

To the friend(s) you let down, call them up. If  you can't wring a "sorry" from your mouth, let your new actions speak for itself.

Why does it sound wrong? "Hope every single one of you has an amazing day!".
This sounds better-  "Hope every single one of you will have an amazing day!".
Future tense mah.

Anyway, I like Jessica Biel. She looks unfriendly when she doesn't smile but that's how I like her. Like one badass look. You should have seen the advertizements she did when she was a teen. Laggi badass look. I hope she and Timberlake will live happily ever after.  

 Movie: My name is Doris.

Actress Sally Field (I call her Forrest Gump's Mom), she's such a classy old beauty. Almond-shaped face and soulful eyes. Can you see that in this scene (where she's using a laptop), she stacked one spectacle over another?  That a manual way to get bi-focus lenses. Haha. Idea.

 A jacuzzi pool that swivels.
Kiki told me at resort world sentosa, there was also a bar at the swimming pool.

More things to be thankful for.

Kiki reminded me that the "Thankful" buttons I've click are not relevant to the articles or videos.
I said ya, I only want to watch the flowers bubble up. Thankful for anything. 

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