Thursday, December 6, 2018


 MOS Burger's Ebi Burger. 
Not too bad. 
Anything that's deep fried hardly goes wrong, right?
At least they lightly grilled the buns. 
I shall try to order the fish burger again, to just see if they've taken my feedback. 
Not sure why the don't heat up the buns for their fish burgers... those buns are cold. 
It's weird to bite into cold buns with hot fish filet. Doesn't blend. 

 The public has little trust with the govt because they most of the time, the poll results are direct opposites to the public sentiments.  Ban this ban that. Ban sugar. 
One fine day some scientist will say sugar is good. Then what?
Ban sugary drinks in schools is good enough. 

They based their finding over a poll of 1,900 people?
Even if 1,900 people supports the ban in sugar, that small sample size does not represent public. 

Unrelated topic to the sugar ban. 

This one is talking about how some group of people,,,, keep harping on "grades are not everything". 
In our society, the national service and the school education system are Equalizers. Meaning, regardless race, language or religion, or social economic status for that matter; no one escapes from these two. 

There is a reason why parents of middle SES are not buying into the ideology of grades are not everything. Because there is no ready, cheap and public infrastructure for things like coding programmes for kids, and other forms of mastery skills development programmes, and there is no ready mass job market for more sophisticated skills set yet. Sure, we know that many jobs will be replaced by AI or made redundant, so the questions is, what are the jobs that will be available? In 10, 15, 20 years? From there we work backwards to where we are right now. Have the MOE system changed?  Yes, perhaps a little. So, it is fair to say that we are more relaxed and less hard-up with the grades but it does not mean we stop driving our kids to achieve better grades. Grades do not define our kids, we know that already. 

Cousin works long hours until sleeping inside her car.........
No complaints, she loves her job.
Happy with work, happy with her income, happy with her cross-fit activities, happy with her christian life.

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