Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Goodbye, Mr. Hiroo Onoda; and thank you.

Two weeks ago, Mr. Onoda passed away. He was 92.

For those who do not know about his story, there's the brief from Wikipedia:-
Hiroo Onoda (小野田 寛郎 Onoda Hiroo?, March 19, 1922 – January 16, 2014) was an Imperial Japanese Army intelligence officer who fought in World War II and did not surrender in 1945. In 1974, his former commander traveled from Japan to personally issue orders relieving him from duty. Onoda had spent almost 30 years holding out in the Philippines. He held the rank of Second Lieutenant in the Imperial Japanese Army.

I don't know how to put this across in a more comprehensible way, so I'll just explain as clearly as I can. 
There is a process in NLP I've learnt; known as "Parts Integration", and Mr. Onoda's story was being used as an illustration. Basically, it explains how sometimes, some part(s) of us seem to be at war with the rest of our psyche. But please do not hate yourself, do not blame, and do not be angry at that part of you. Because it was just following orders and doing a fabulous job at it. It is a soldier. So, until the commander gives him a new direction, could he then be relieved from his duties, and integrate into the whole (be it your psyche, your family, or society at large). 

This learning, for me, healed a very large portion of the pain and struggle I had before. 
I do not know why. I think I was just a very good kid that followed much that was being taught but the "orders" and instructions were given by so many mixed up adults in my life that I think I was fragmented. After learning about "Parts Integration", and some other exercises; a very large portion of me became whole again. Finally, I was at peace with myself and have not looked back. 

So ya, thank you for sharing your story. 


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