Sunday, April 17, 2011

A Soiree In The Park, 17th April 2011, Sunday

We were heading to the taxi stand and had to turn right at the lift lobby but Kiki mistaken that we were sending her to school and burst into tears (we normally head to the left, going to the market, to the mall or to the beach, etc.) It made me wonder; - is school really that unbearable for her? Why doesn't she look forward to school?
It's been many months since we last went to the Botanic Gardens, today, they were having "A Soiree In The Park" Symphony by Tanglewood Music School.

Kiki was delighted. She rattled on and on about the birds and the sun, she was unusually chatty.

She made me chase her, she loves the thrill in playing catch, to shriek in delight. Scream in sharp, excited laughter.

Berries Jam & Cheese (an odd combination for me) Maricar prepared the sandwiches and I told her I've never eaten it like this but I will try. Kiki seemed to like it though.

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