Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Crying Over ABCs

Colin asked if I could get him a skate board. He said in a sad & manja manner - Mommy, when can you buy me a skateboard?   Me- Skateboard?  You are too young for it, when you are older I will get you a skateboard. Colin- No, I mean a skateboard like this- (puts hands apart, showing a short, imagined skateboard). Me- Huh?  I think your Jie Jie has one, right?  Colin- Ya but she doesn't want to give me. Me- Rachael! Share with Didi your toy!

So that was last weekend. 

Fast-forward two days-- see, there are three toy skateboards!  All from her school's bookshop. 
One for Colin, two for herself...( I think she said it was $1.50 each)

On Sunday night, Colin cried before bedtime. He says he doesn't wanna go to school. 
After some coaxing, we learned that he was anxious because his teacher "forced" him to write ABCs which apparently, he's having trouble with. I told him there's no need to cry, he must always tell me and we will solve the problem together. Previously, he wasn't interested in sit-down activities so there's no forcing him to learn to write. Gradually, we do bits and pieces of activities with him and he's picking up interest. Simple things like colouring- he takes more interest now, jigsaw puzzle- he has always liked, other "brainy" stuff like those IQ game boards- quite interesting for him. So now, he is more receptive to learning to write ABCs. His favourite book is The Big on Trucks, he asks me to read it to him every Sunday.  

One of the worst feelings any student could have is the feeling of helplessness. Especially helplessness in keeping up with your classmates. I know how that felt and I remember the moment I threw in the figurative white towel (for Math and Accounting). Other subjects are more or less softer core, so there were no issues, never study also never fail. But that is 30 years ago. Having said this, I think our Edu System has changed gear. I think they have tweaked the syllabus to be more socially engaging, conversational, and I think for Math, as long as you can come up with a plausible answer, it will be acceptable. I may be wrong but I think I've seen remarks such as - "not limiting to these answers".  And then there are model answers that we go- Chay! Like that also can be answer, say so earlier lah!  With this kind of reactions, it could only mean that the boundaries have widened. It is almost "anything goes", meaning if you can derive a logical answer, it will be taken into consideration. I am not too sure if it's a good or bad thing but I will continue to observe and be as involved as I can. My idea is that whatever I learn with the P1 now, I can transfer the knowledge to Colin. Hopefully that will give us a better road map with Colin. I'm learning to take two steps at a time.

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