Wednesday, September 30, 2015

People who argue their way through

Every Tuesday night Colin has Speech & Drama class at the CC but last night he refused to go, instead he kicked up a tantrum, tears aplenty. I was about to shower and had to interrupt, calm him down to ask if he enjoys his classes. Maricar says he does. So the problem we have is that he wants to continue playing with his sister at home, don't wanna break playtime for class. So I told him, okay, we (Kiki & I) will chaperone him to class. Only then did he stop crying. Well, that means I have to skip Kiki's violin practice and English worksheet time because by the time I return, read a book with them,,,,,, I will be struggling to stifle my yawns. So anyway, after my showers, we brought him to class and he was happy. So manja this boy. 

There was once a woman at the Library reception counter, kicking a big fuss over the fine that was imposed on her for returning books over due. It was 50 cents for one day's delayed return and she was required to pay 50 cents before she could make new loans. 

In raised voice, she argued that she was not late in returning the book because she returned it before the clock strike twelve and technically, in a 24-hour day, the day is not over even at 2359 hours. The librarian struggled to explain to her that the business hour for the library is 9.00pm. So the cut-off time for returning books is at 9.00pm.The woman countered that that being the case, it was not made known to public that the cut off time for returning books is 9.00pm. Furthermore, then why state so boldly on the book return kiosk that book return is a 24-hour book drop service? 

You may think that I would laugh at that woman but no. I agree with the woman. 
Although it hasn't crossed my mind about these, perhaps if I were being fined I would simply pay up. But she has a point. 

I don't know how it ended or if the NLB tweaked its fine policy, but well, this is just an anecdote for you, my reader.

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